What is Videoma IActa?

The need to record and preserve council municipal plenary sessions, regional or autonomic parliamentary sessions or even corporate board meetings requires a specific solution that facilitates all the tasks related to the creation, archiving and search of these recordings.

IActa offers advanced management of archived video content with easy interaction and offers the possibility to generate value with city council recordings or plenary session recording, by publishing them on private or public portals, using them for news or online publications or performing AI analysis of your content to find specific data.

Meeting Recording Solution

Videoma IActa complies with all current legislation

IActa complies with the Law in Spain 39/2015, from October 1st, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations (LPAC), and Law 40/2015, from October 1st, of the Legal Regime of the Public Sector (LRJSP), and the Royal Decree 128/2018, from March 16, which regulates the legal regime of Local Administration officials with national empowerment, in its Article 3 establishes the functions of the secretary among which is that of public faith and all that it comprises.

Manages recordings

Manages recordings of council municipal plenary sessions, regional or national parliamentary sessions, boards of directors and meetings or presentations in a digital format.


Signs the video-records of the sessions or meetings digitally with a hashing system, to certify that the original file has not been altered in any way.

Integrates into your web portal

Allows you to publish information or video extracts in a simple way, to allow access by the general population or company employees.

Generate valuefrom recorded content

Iacta Icono Independiente

Software independent of the audiovisual equipment in the room

Speaker ID Icon ISID

Identifies the speakers of the sessions

Speech To Text Icon ISID

Automatically transcribes everything spoken

Hash Icon ISID

Signs the recordings digitally

Iacta Icono Interconeccion

Allows easy interfacing with other systems

Ingesta Iacta Icono

Supports recorded file ingest

Closed Caption Icon ISID

Facilitates access to content for people with hearing impairment

Iacta Acceso remoto Icono

Remote access from any PC

Iacta permisos a usuarios Icono

Allows you to assign individual user permissions

Iacta Icono Localización

Simplifies content management and lozalization

Iacta Icono Adjuntar

Support for attaching documents to the session (PDF, Word, etc.)

Aprendizaje Icono Iacta

Easy to learn platform

What our customers say

“I needed software that could generate high-quality transcription and translation very intuitively. IActa helps me do it. Since my content is stored in the cloud, I don’t have to have any hardware and I can retrieve the content I need by searching metadata or transcripts.”

“With IActa I solve the need to generate a video record. But it also helps me generate the written record almost effortlessly and I have everything indexed to search for words or phrases directly. IActa gives me a lot of peace of mind since I can export all my content in the form of video evidence.”

Know more aboutthe use cases of IActa

IActa for administrations

Managing of video recordings and digital signature of council and municipal plenary sessions as well as regional, autonomic or national parliamentary sessions.


IActa for corporations

Managing of video recordings and digital signature of board meetings, shareholder meetings, brainstorming sessions, product presentations, etc.


A powerful and simpleinterface

IActa is based on the Videoma platform and allows the ingest of already recorded videos, or the live recording of sessions, archiving and digitally signing them.

IActa's management system includes the automatic organization of content through metadata that is automatically added by the platform and can be supplemented by hand.

One of IActa's most powerful features is the search engine, which allows you to retrieve information quickly and in a targeted way, to locate not only specific videos, but also specific passages or even phrases or words that have been spoken.

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