Videomed: Medical Video Content Management for Hospitals
Video in the hospital environment has boomed in recent years, as it is the ideal medium for advanced diagnostics, preserving surgical procedures, generating training material or serving as evidence in certain circumstances. But just storing video is not enough. You need a means to be able to locate what you need and exploit the available material. Videomed is a Medical video management software and the perfect and secure platform for instant access to the recordings you need.
Access to medical video from anywhere
Centralize medical video in one single place and access it directly from the HIS.
Integration into the HIS patient record
Add all of the medical video directly to the patient record in the HIS, to have all the information at hand, always.
Flexible analysis
The platform can be integrated with any existing AI analytics systems to help making better diagnostics.

Who will benefit from VideoMed PACS for OR recording?
Actually, everyone in the hospital that comes into contact with medical imaging will benefit from having access to the videos recorded, because it means they can be seen directly in the HIS. Surgeons will benefit especially, because they will have everything at hand, in the same HIS screen they are used to, in order to do better and faster diagnostics, prepare operations or review already done procedures, everything in our Medical video management software.
Surgery videos in the Patient Record
Having access to extracts or the complete recording of a surgery in the Patient Record in the HIS is very useful, as the doctor can see first hand what was done and how the results are currently.
The fact that it isn’t necessary to change the application to be able to see videos, but instead Videomed provides a Widget, saves time and is more convenient when doing follow-ups on patients.
Surgery videos for Training
Providing recordings of real operations or surgeries is a real benefit for medical students or other surgeons, as they can see how complex procedures are performed.
Videomed allows easy access to any surgery video by means of its powerful search engine and can generate partial clips in seconds, for specific learning units.
Integration of video in the patient record
Get access to all medical video directly in the HIS patient record.
Review of previous interventions
Visualization of past interventions to verify procedures, to find optimization methods or to teach.
Hospital video repository
Video repository or Medical video management for the entire health center with immediate access to information by health professionals.
Training material database
Store of video or other media information, for targeted repurposing, for teaching courses, training or research.
Knowledge Base for Symposiums
Videoma for Health's search functions allows instant and targeted access to a huge amount of information.
Legal defense against malpractice claims
History of operations and interventions to be able to demonstrate the facts that occurred in case of legal problems or lawsuits.
VideoMed PACS for OR recording
VideoMed PACS for OR recording is an Operating Room Video Manager that can record any surgery or intervention from multiple cameras, with voice control and Speech-to-text capabilities.
These recordings can be used for training purposes, for research or even as evidence in cases of presumed malpractice.
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