For a couple of decades now the business world has understood that their digital files contain information and thus are a valuable asset to be exploited. Text documents, spreadsheets, PDF files, databases…all of these are obvious. But what about video? Any company nowadays has a sizeable amount of videos available somewhere on a storage device. Why not convert them into assets as well? It turns out that, thanks to AI, this is now as easy as pie. Don’t let that happen. Just convert your corporate video archive into a company asset with the help of AI.
Video is everywhere
Today it is trivial to record a video. Just whip out your phone, and press “Record”. And what is true for personal use is also true for companies. Tradeshows, events, product demos, product test, research facilities or laboratories…all of them generate video for different purposes. All these files end up either in Marketing, in research or as documentation. But what happens after that? Usually the video files go to into some storage system. And are slowly forgotten.
AI to the rescue
As easy as it is to analyze the contents of a database, a spreadsheet or a text document to gain some insight of the information they contain, as difficult it is to do the same with video or audio files. Fortunately, artificial intelligence has advanced analyzers that can transcribe audio from a video to text (Speech-to-Text) or recognize faces or voices. Or look for specific sound patterns.

Locate, ingest, classify & store

Once you have made the decision to organize your company video archive the best way is to follow some steps that will help you along the process and save you from unnecessary work:
- The first step is to locate all the digital video material you have in the company.
- After that, you have to upload it into your EVCM (like our own Videoma Archive). This process is usually called “ingest”, as the system reads the files, tags and classifies them.
- Next, the classification step is what usually takes the most time. But with Videoma’s analyzers almost all of the tagging is automatic.
- Finally, once everything is analyzed, the video is stored in a database from where is can be retrieved and exported easily.
Reuse and monetize
Once you have everything in an easily searchable EVCM you are ready to monetize these video assets. But how and where? There are four main ways:
- Free to watch with Ads. Most known of these is naturally YouTube. This kind of monetization is based on what is called Advertising Video on Demand or AVOD. For each view and click you get a certain amount. There are other platforms like TikTok, Twitch, DailyMotion, Vimeo and others.
- Subscription services. Depending on the type of your videos you may decide that platforms like Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime may be the way to go. These services, usually called Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD) make their users pay a monthly fee, and then they can watch whatever they like.
- Transactional services. In this case, examples are Amazon Prime o YouTube, for example. This type of service is called Transactional Video on Demand (TVOD) and they allow you to rent or buy clips for a certain price. In this category you can also opt for Stock sites like Shutter Stock, iStock, Adobe Stock and others.
- DIY. Put your content to sale or rent on your own website. This requires more work on your part, but you don’t have to pay any fees to the platform that does the selling in the three cases aboveWhich one of the options to choose depends entirely on your material, how you want it to be monetized and what expectations you have for the gains.
Which one of the options to choose depends entirely on your material, how you want it to be monetized and what expectations you have for the gains.
Having hundreds or thousands of video clips sitting somewhere on a harddisk or company storage system is an inefficient way of using a material that could be potentially monetized in different forms. The best way to deal with an extensive company video library is to tag and categorize everything, so you can find what you need in seconds, not weeks. For that, a EVCM like Videoma Archive is an invaluable aid. Once you have everything categorized, you know exactly what you have and think of ways of monetizing or reusing the content to extract all the value that it has.